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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flag vs Tackle

So...I have been having a major problem finding the physical activity that works best for me. I am no where near over weight but I know the benefit of a good 3 mile jog and a couple of laps around the pool. Unfortunately, I have no desire to do either of those things. 

So the other day, I decide to try something new. I practically went kicking and screaming but thank goodness I went anyway. I arrived to the field and I was handed a belt with red flags hanging around it. Yep...co-ed flag football! At first, I was a little apprehensive...I did not know where to run, and I definitely did not know what they meant by playing zone or man. 

Half way through the game, I was feeling great. I was running  and I even caught the ball a couple of time. Go figure! It was the most refreshed I have felt in a long time.

Needless to say, for the next 5 days I was in pain...silly me, I forgot to stretch. Despite the 5 days of pain, I will definitely be hitting the field tomorrow. I only wish we could actually tackle one another....the flag thing is such a bore.

Don't be afraid to try something...you never know what may come of it.....Look at me, I'm playing co-ed flag football!

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